When I originally got Crackdown for the Xbox 360 I was really getting it for the Halo 3 beta (though I'm not sure why now as I'm not that big of a Halo fan to begin with). Needless to say the game sat on the shelf for months before I actually played it. Now that I have I can't put it down. This is a damn good game. To start off with it is not too difficult, but not too easy. It mixes many aspects of different games (such as running around shooting people, driving, looking for secrets, etc) almost like Grand Theft Auto but not as bloody (though I'm actually a gore fan [not he ex-vice president] and usually enjoy some blood in my games. Crackdown has some but MUCH less than GTA, also it's not quite as... insulting as a game. You get penalized in this game for running over pedestrians not like GTA where you get points).
The game uses its many tall buildings to hide a large amount of additional power ups which you end up spending time looking for. I mean who wouldn't want added agility allowing you to run faster and jump higher? The weapon's array is good and not too confusing. The amount of ammo in the game is good (so you don't run out easily) and the difficulty is fun, you'll get through the game but you won't breeze through it. Part of the reason is the massive area you can move around in, and you are free to go to any of the three main areas.
Oh yeah, it has very cool multi-player too where you can have friends join you and do co-op levels where you and your friends are against the bad guys. A cool idea I think, as you don't always want to blow away your friends.
Overall I have been very impressed with this game and recommend it highly.
4/5 Stars
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