Well this review is a bit late as what more can be said about Gears of War? It IS the first true system seller for the Xbox 360 and rightfully so. Epic Games has done an amazing job bringing this top shooter to the Xbox 360 which no other system will get. The graphics are simply put, fabulous! I mean breathtaking... you will be blown away.
This is one of those games that once you start playing you say "wow" as your mouth stays open while you enjoy level after level of hellishly fun shooter action.
You are part of a commando team sometime in the future, after the Earth has been overrun but oversized cockroaches and other devilish looking beasts. All they want is one thing, to kill you... so your mission is simple, kill them. The thing that this game does so well is create an amazing atmosphere from beginning to end, submerging you in this hell hole of a future... and loving every minute of it. It actually gets your blood flowing and adrenaline going while you play, that's how much fun it is.
The game play is second to none, the game was obviously designed from the beginning with the Xbox 360 controller in mind. You run into a room and the first thing you do is find a hiding place from which you will peak out and shoot the enemy, and hiding again while the enemy tries to return the bulletfest you just unleased at it. Good thing too since you do have to reload at some point. The weapons are massive, a good selection, not complicated... the level design is first rate... the whole game is simply a master piece and EVERY Xbox 360 owner should have this game... no questions asked. It's THAT good!
5/5 Stars