Friday, 15 June 2007

Xbox 360 vs PS3... round 2... fight!

Gamespot just did their second Xbox 360 vs PS3 comparision. The first one was about 6 months ago so it wasn't fair to compare Xbox 360 2nd generation titles (ones that have come out a year after the launch) with actual launch titles from PS3 (titles that were obviously rushed to be on the shelves with the system).

So the new comparison is pretty good, it shows how close the systems are. I think what people don't seem to understand overall is that the new generation console wars are not going to be decided on who has better graphics (since both are running impressive HD graphics already) but more about which games will be on the systems and more importantly online play. So if the same game comes out on both systems (like Grand Theft Auto IV for example) and it's great online on Xbox 360 but very poor online play on the PS3... well you will have a clear winner.

Both systems can do great graphics, and because their video cards are so different from each other (Xbox 360 uses ATI while PS3 uses Nvidia) the games will NEVER look the same. I think Sony is really killing themselves by trying to extend the life of their system past the typical 5 year cycle (something that did happen with the PS2) and thinking the PS3 will still be graphically competitive in 10 years!!! No way, very poor plan (but who knows, I might be eating my words in 10 years).

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